Project 1
(Week 1-7)
Tulekova Arailym {0326122}
Digital Imaging and Visualisation
Project 1: Portfolio of exercises
Exercise 1:Back to the future (Week 1-2)
At the start Lecturer taught us general knowledge of Adobe Photoshop. We learnd how to use any kinds of brushes and features that provides us this programm. After some introduction we started to practice with monocromatic photo-portaits to train before our upcoming exercise.
I chouse an old photo of USSR kids playing with guitar. I find them cute.
1.a. Original black and white photo
Before starting the process i have searched for some references that i can follow:
1.g. Firstly I put my secon layer on color blending mode
1.h. Then I started coloring.
I have pointed colors that I goona use and started to align them.
1.i. I took the colors from real photos to make my work look more realistic
1.j. For skine tone i used different colors to show a shape.
1.k. Final artwork
1.l. Color swatches
Exercise 2:Dali Atomicus, Galconda and the Man of the moon (Week 3-4)
We were required to create a
surrealistic photomontage by combining an organic object and an inorganic
object. In this exercise we have to learn how to use pictures for work and don't spoil the original picture.We studied how to mask the picture.

2.a.Dali Atomicous
We have searched for pictures in internet to use it in our work and masked each. On the colors coming from the chair i put "Multiply" blending mode to make it look transparent.
Then Set up the color scheme of the background to make them appropriate to each other.
2.c.Final work
Exercise 3:Change One's stipe(Week 5-6)
Target: Change
textures or hybrid animals
Stamp /
Clone Stamping / Brush / Healing Brush / Spot Healing Brush / Mixing Brush
We have to interchange the
characteristics of a minimum of two animals. This could be a change of
materials, swap of stripes or textures. You may go beyond and create a hybrid
animal and include a third or even fourth characteristics (for example using a
fruit texture to replace an animals skin)
3.a. Photo of couple (Liza Koshy and David Dobrik)
3.b. Parrots
Practice 1:
Then i took the couple's photo and mask them to live only their hands. After that i changed the colour and brightness to make hands look similar with new body. Then I used mixind brush and, to create smooth transition.
3.c. Progress
3.d.Final outcome
Practice 2:
We were given a link with images that we have to use in following exercise. In This practice we were tought how to use filters to make ghost blur and ghost-ish. To make effect like on this psture you have to go to the "filters"-"blur"-"gaussian blur".
3.e. Ghost in the house
3.f .Gif animation
Practice 3:
Firstly we masked the House into picture of dark forest.
Then selectesd the image of the house, go to "Image"-"Adjustment" and click on "Match Colour" where the source would be the sky.
Make the ghost transparent and put the gradient sphere on the flowers.
3.g. Final outcome
Same actions with this.
Practice 4:
This week we were introduced to displacement. We were asked to try and place one picture and make it follow the adges and textures of the background. So we searched for any pictures(in my case it's "Nesquick" logotype) to put it on the top of any (I choosed pool with water) surface. Then save it as a .psd file with the name "Displacement".
Exercise 4:Castle of the pyrenees (Week 7-8)
In this exercise our goal was to recreate a surrealistic, physics defying landscape. Be it a floating castle or an underwater city. In this exercise we will use everything we learnd before and choose surreal art as reference searched online. I decided to use the surrealism art with turtle
4.a. Reference
Then i searched for pictures that will use for my work.
Also we have to create a gif to show the process.
4.k. Final work
4.l Gif
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