Design Methodology Research

(Week 1- Week 14)
Module: Design Research Methodology - RES60203
Tulekova Arailym (0326122)

Week 1

Sep 3, 2018
For the first class our lecturer for this subject Dr. Noorhayati introduced us this topic using Module Outline. After the brief She asked us to chose a topic from five given: Video Games, Motion graphic, Animation, Mobile Apps, Short films  and form groups to discuss among ourself about existing  issues in these industries. 
After we find few issues  we need to present them to whole class and wait for the Lecturer's feedback. 
I have chosen "Animation", because it always was my passion and I have decided to become a Designer under influence of cartoons translated on TV. 
I was in one group with Heba and we pointed out 3 issues that came to our mind that time:
  • Cartoons not only for Kids
  • Loosing moral lessons
  • Simplifying drawing styles 
  • Using cartoons for money 

Process of research:-

  1. Identify research problem-Questions, why? 
  2. Reviewing literature-Research at books, articles, etc
  3. Specify research purpose 
  4. Collecting data-evidence, accurate data
  5. Analysing interpreting data-conclusion, summarise 
  6. Reporting 

Week 2

Sep 14, 2018
Today Dr. Noorhayati gave us lecturer about Problem statement. She explained how to correctly identify problem statement of your topic. Moreover, Lecturer uploaded slides with examples to the Times, so we can use anytime. 
After lecturer me and other student that didn't present their chosen issues, after that Dr. Noorhayati gave us direct feedback. My issue was more about social science , so she suggested to chose something closer to my module and what I can use in future works and develop further. So I was still thinking about legit issue. 

Week 3

Sep 21, 2018,
For this week We had session in Library with Taylor's Librarian Instructor Fauziatul Alma, who taught us how to use Taylor's Library  website and how effectively search you keywords and  searching methods. How to use search articles, journals, e-books and other. Moreover we taught how to do citation and referencing.

Week 4

Sep 24, 2018
We had Consultation session with the Lecturer , so I proposed my new issue to Dr. Noorhayati, She gave me some suggestions on how I can improve my proposal and let me proceed. 
For lecture, Dr. Hayati lectured us about method of data collection, the process of doing a research and critical review. She told us it is better that we need have to accelerate/change gears to move progressions forward faster in our project so that we will not get left behind.

Week 6

Oct 1, 2018
During tutorial class, after submitting our first research proposal the day before, Dr. Hayati consulted each of us one by one to give feedbacks about the research proposal. She also points out which area we need to improve.
During lecture class, Dr. Hayati briefed us about our project 2; Research were given a lecture about critical review.

Week 7-8

On Monday, we had a presentation session on our critical review in class. On Friday, we were given a lecture about methods of collecting primary data. We learned the differences between qualitative and quantitative data and what is considered as it.  And had a short consultation session after that. 

Week 9

On Monday, we had a presentation session about our research implementation; on who will be our primary data source and questionnaires. Each student took turns to present on the TVs in the classroom. Dr. Hayati then gave feedbacks to each one of us after we presented.

After completing the presentation, she told us to improvise our presentation slide datas and submit in drive folder by 5 pm on that day.On Friday, we had a consultation session about our module progressions and about our primary data collection planning.

Advises given by Dr. Hayati about mail interviews:-
  1. Formal and humble way without being cocky and pushy 
  2. Customize each email for each person we will be sending to. 
  3. Ask whether the selected individual is interest to participate in the research or not before sending the questionnaires. 
  4. Take note that due to their work, they may take around 5 days to reply. 
  5. A test run on the questionnaires before mailing can be done with students outside of arts and design course to make sure that the questions are easy to understand and to answer. 

For my research problem I need to collect data from people experienced watching animated films or  working in animation industry. Data will be based on their personal experiences, preferences and opinion. After this I will be able identify what people put on the first place while criticizing an animated film, what they considered as good or bad animation and what feeling they gained after watching particular animated works.  

Research methods:
  • Mailed questionnaire
The mailed questionnaire is dedicated to the authorities of the animation fields.These people possess valuable information that can significantly push forward our research. So to make sure that we will not take much of their time we need to ask multifaceted questions.
  • Online Survey
For the online survey, animation enthusiast will be called to participate in it.
  • Observation

Watching and analysing animated films.

Week 10-14

On Monday, Dr. Hayati explained to us on our final project, research report. We were told that the research report focuses on how critical we are in analysing the datas and how honest we are about our research limitations. Also, based on our understanding, experiences and feedbacks from the start of our research questions up to now. 

On Friday, Dr. Hayati explained to us about our final peer review presentation. We need to prepare presentation slides based on our research report, findings, experiences and difficulties faced throughout our whole research journey. We also need to prepare questions to let our course mates respond to obtain our 10% marks.


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